May 11, 2014

May Reading Challenge | Day 11

Anchored In A Book | 5/11/2014 | | | | |
Hosted by Tee The Quoter from Tumblr, Monthly Challenges are meant to help readers have fun while reading.  Each month, a new set of challenges will be posted, one for each day of the month.  For a complete list of the challenges for this month, click here.


This one was a tie for me.  I loved Alex's and Lean's romance in Delirium (as you may know by now), and I also loved the relationship between Talon (how cool is that name!) and Lindsey in The Downsiders by Neal Shusterman.  Even though Talon and Lindsey's relationship isn't exactly lovey-dovey and the book isn't really romance-based, I always thought it was cute and wished that Shusterman would of explored the possibility of them two more.  I thought it was cute how Talon would come up from the ground basically just to see her, and how he left her his most prized possession.

If you haven't read The Downsiders and have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, I suggest you read the book.  It's a pretty short book, and a really easy read, you can totally finish it in one sitting.  

Let me know what you think about Talon (did I mention when I was younger I used to want to name my child after him o.0) and Lindsey's relationship, and if I'm justified in thinking there was something between the two.  Also, what are some of your favorite romance books? 

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