Hosted by Tee The Quoter from Tumblr, Monthly Challenges are meant to help readers have fun while reading. Each month, a new set of challenges will be posted, one for each day of the month. For a complete list of the challenges for this month, click here.
Back when I was about 11/12, my grandparents visited the Holocaust museum in Washington, DC. When they returned home, they had presents for me and my siblings. In addition to shirts, keychains and other little nick-nacks, my grandparents had also bought me a book (knowing how much I loved/love to read). That book was none other than The Diary of Anne Frank written by Anne Frank herself.
I love this DIARY (cause that's what it really is!), it is my favorite non-fiction piece of work. I was shocked to discover that this book has several negative reviews and comments, and was even more surprised to discover that the biggest complaint was how "boring" this diary was.
THIS IS A 14-year-old girl's diary that she wrote while HIDING FROM NAZIS! What did they expect her to write about?
I loved Anne's writing, and truly believe that had she survived, she would have gone on to become a successful author. She was so wise beyond her years, and had a great attitude and outlook on life, even in spite of her situation.
"Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart." -Anne Frank
I love this book/diary, and highly advise everyone to read it.
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