Hosted by Tee The Quoter from Tumblr, Monthly Challenges are meant to help readers have fun while reading. Each month, a new set of challenges will be posted, one for each day of the month. For a complete list of the challenges for this month, click here.
So, I'm guilty of two things...
1. Twilight Series
2. Hoarding Books
1. Twilight Series
I have no excuse. I liked it. I've also seen all the shame...
2. Hoarding Books
Whenever I'm around books, I tend to get a rush. I get so excited and I just want to buy them all. This is a real problem for me, and makes it immensely difficult for me when I go places. tIn the past month alone, I've bought 22 books, and I have yet to read one. Hoarding and buying books is a problem, I just might have to go on a book buying ban until I've caught up on my To-Be-Read pile.
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