Hosted by Tee The Quoter from Tumblr, Monthly Challenges are meant to help readers have fun while reading. Each month, a new set of challenges will be posted, one for each day of the month. For a complete list of the challenges for this month, click here.
Alex and Lena's relationship in Delirium is one of my favorite fictional relationships of all time. I loved Lena's first impression of Alex, and I thought it was the cutest thing ever:
"As soon as I look up, his eyes click onto my face. The breath whooshes out of my body and everything freezes for a second, as though I'm looking at him through my camera lens, zoomed in all the way, the world pausing for that tiny span of time between the opening and closing of the shutter. His hair is golden brown, like leaves in autumn just as they're turning, and he has bright amber eyes. The moment I see him I know that he's one of the people responsible for this. I know he's an Invalid."
Likewise, I loved Lena's own description of herself at the very end of the book:
"You have to understand. I am no one special. I am just a single girl. I am five feet two inches tall and I am in-between in every way."
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